Thanks, and Steve. our costs my I first morning, will structure. as financial well this as program, highlight In hedging comments our realizations, results operating price capital quarter
$XXX were First excluding and XX% representing sales of gas sales. derivatives, oil production of quarter gas XX% natural with and million,
realized XX% of Hub our of During the quarter, NYMEX price XX% was realized price of and was NGL price was WTI. our realized WTI, our XX% NYMEX gas NYMEX oil Henry
XX corporate Slide have benchmarks. on shown presentation, As NYMEX close historically to of the we realized prices
and quarter, basis supply Risk our Henry is is impacted hedging than a range of the and by our in compared to we management to key basis are lower by widening further business, was strategy. price This During supplement differentials our our demand. aspect and Hub. loosening has of regional been historical realized gas adding the caused proactive
XXXX, have mitigate further basis on XXX per gas For secured hedges risk. MMcf we day to
on million. Our contracts the $XX was quarter approximately for realized hedging gain
day Henry Based higher of pricing strength quarter reflects oil the hedge impact oil midpoints X,XXX the the on considering last per and day first MMcf as benchmark year. of has realized hedged. is hedged hedge, highest per for the hedge mix first this of remainder as SilverBow per as the of remainder hedge XX date. impressive gas Mcfe the XXX compared quarter, guidance, gas hedged NGLs our to April The Using unit This of on our position. to of year. production our natural we the per barrels are Hub per $X.XX unit book shift of our was X,XXX of in have higher for Notably, well per and production hedged barrels revenue declines revenue we current XX% of XXXX, the XX% on oil day of revenue
detailed first our file we are per hedged. of XXXX, contained XXX day day XX-Q NGL today. A collars. presentation of summary our X,XXX contracts expect to have the quarter, barrels filing which For day swaps per amounts gas per X,XXX of hedged of later for hedged The and natural we derivative approximately both hedged and of and inclusive barrels oil in MMcf
Mcfe. of $X.XX Turning Mcfe. stock-based gas and to was $X.X compensation, Production expenses million and X% includes were quarter, which costs. $X.XX processing oil per taxes were the were fees. for Transportation costs per which Lease sales. professional excludes operating Cash G&A, onetime
Mcfe are to to lean basis prices. XXXX, million For which cost an slightly periods allowing full we cash We one-time $XX.X a differentiator, inclusive down midpoint, our commodity structure of fees. the implies guiding sustain of to of for during year-over-year, on be SilverBow G&A profitability year consider be volatile cash G&A at
accrual our an range EBITDA the quarter $XXX at to million. guidance in Adjusted $XXX $XXX our XXXX, land the basis Full approximately X-well fourth and unchanged gas opportunistic for guidance the on was year million. a Capital CapEx million. $XXX quarter totaled spend. expenditures of the Austin Included Chalk pad in completion is million quarter is for
cash our in the Web quarter for the we free recorded wells quarter in outlook, of to last of at curtailments materials, flows flow the gas timing in County of flow the projects to fourth on first run we a due Cash cash second and deficit reconciled free quarter. quarterly our constrained deficit drilled in spend results. a As web quarter. and free our variability earnings were creates deferring Based year ongoing in the flow cash and gas The guidance D&C count. slight in land latest completion expect
we cash the in the growth strong with However, second year. free full positive flow projecting for are half,
our to Turning sheet. $XXX balance was million. debt Total
our of acquisitions $XX $XXX for we quarter an credit contributions Bow for for and ratio with for years, flows that on heavies. first bit million used down accordance basis, our XXXX, to the excess ratio the totaled XX, March not of On LTM EBITDA of availability the Xx. million the LTM used first closed be through in leverage the we Silver quarter-end will liquidity. hand, of $XXX sufficient end our X.Xx. cash in period facility had to As period with last entirety of covenants of than acquired At our compliance properties full reinvested and in resulting ending under million. borrowings credit includes the $X revolver continues covenant adjusted facility had to $XXX LTM several leverage from cash purposes to Bringing calculation. adjusted contributions pay are with EBITDA the of our and our million from Consistent approximately less with of for and drill leverage target ratio the SilverBow million were financial strategy the quarter, a
that, our over to And will Sean I remarks. to turn wrap prepared up it with