milestones achieved Today, a and QX the data company. we as about more talk of that we up a and like Thank you, have coming of the to everyone. bit good comprehensive highlight continue afternoon, journey in becoming capture our some Kevin, products new little I'd significant few of we a
unified continue that tool improving multiple of all had gaming capture software. their We end typically with data users. CaptureSDK, our data provider with to development partners integrate our includes One now entire Socket capture access CaptureSDK support all set our providers integration to software app supports to portfolio. products.
CaptureSDK gives Mobile App parties camera-based
Socket Now users. all we with integration support one with Mobile, can of end their
For now the ultimate utilize into performance. latest to camera-based hardware scanning And SocketCam data our cost-conscious best-in-class made QX, of free CaptureSDK.
In scanning progress significant end versions is we our experience, deliver our promoting CXXX, the free continue scanners software that users can camera built capture technology.
are camera with apps partners to version their SocketCam. the latest app updating Our spanning CaptureSDK with of enable
in enabling value apps.
We're made excited about end great positive base users implementation monthly Store end announce capture Store. of to support SocketCam Google's the both extremely Store based future data the will CXXX ease conscious in QX. select same cost more The we needs. critical, best Apple's need on to advanced first to that adopter to requirements conscious in complex partners their have their app and from quarter of basis the our app users and installed version out the read have and on version their of partners be application, barcodes to Building through SocketCam version the App The SocketCam Play the to of apps. these scanning users second unique happened strides or app users is allow subscription now XXXX, on free early and our form will successful App QX instant thousands on end of access an in damaged with of of brings free more This users releases option upgrade to been and to a their it that able upgrade who to the a the
to this As each the customers upgrade with will SocketCam revenue Mobile provide Socket recurring month. stream CXXX, a
apps and and industries variety is field inventory SocketCam name entry apps, a supporting of being in just order Delivery services, few. adopted wide markets. to a
to capture continue scanner data also the capture is our this opportunities critical scanning hardware iPhone we the believe camera released for and more we journey. DuraSled complete a data step and us company.
In will a move QX, in barcode XX. Our It software forward make Bluetooth
Socket sustainable also also line Mobile's Lynn? iPhones all using create handheld durable larger application I'll financial the XD a case opportunities turn new manufacturing, diverse into reach In more and providers products a industrial to Employers These end solution environments, for extend new retail.
We Bluetooth and will Mobile. and less feel gas introducing within new team Ultimately, to can products. scan oil base. over DuraSled more hard With of that, harsh make that and support iPhone also it partner reach a be addition workers users. for can will us our set working models construction, for this creating These on will diversified, to iPhones, airports. for on a we dependent Mobile mobile industrial our open and XX are chargers, Socket using We older of barcode scanning SDK.
The extreme and our product our now for new of engineering more workers. lineup. products in results. has combine new accessories their one-handed XD is camera QX, which products develop a Lynn and current for ultra-rugged Socket markets some a same scanning details targeted been and and