Loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables | 5 Loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables Note December 31, December 31, RMB RMB Home equity loans: (a) 8,993,547,621 9,189,524,787 Loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables Less: allowance for credit losses (i) - Individually evaluated (12,247,836 ) (39,913,947 ) - Collectively evaluated (727,055,237 ) (685,916,740 ) Subtotal (739,303,073 ) (725,830,687 ) Net loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables of home equity loan 8,254,244,548 8,463,694,100 Corporate loans: (e) Loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables 463,254,567 626,229,041 Less: allowance for credit losses (24,693,114 ) (55,964,409 ) Net loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables of corporate loan 438,561,453 570,264,632 Net loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables 8,692,806,001 9,033,958,732 (a) Home equity loans December 31, 2022 December 31, 2023 Note First lien Second lien Subtotal First lien Second lien Subtotal RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB Loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables 3,360,094,375 5,633,453,246 8,993,547,621 3,477,208,979 5,712,315,808 9,189,524,787 Less: allowance for credit losses (i) - Individually evaluated (3,836,350 ) (8,411,486 ) (12,247,836 ) (13,099,754 ) (26,814,193 ) (39,913,947 ) - Collectively evaluated (286,300,001 ) (440,755,236 ) (727,055,237 ) (272,173,960 ) (413,742,780 ) (685,916,740 ) Subtotal (290,136,351 ) (449,166,722 ) (739,303,073 ) (285,273,714 ) (440,556,973 ) (725,830,687 ) Net loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables 3,069,958,024 5,184,286,524 8,254,244,548 3,191,935,265 5,271,758,835 8,463,694,100 (i) Allowance for credit losses The allowance for credit losses for home equity loans as of December 31, 2023 was RMB725 million, a decrease from RMB739 million at December 31, 2022. The decrease in the allowance for credit losses on home equity loans was primarily driven by a decrease in delinquency ratio and a favorable macroeconomic environment, specifically, gross-domestic product increased from 2.9% in December 31, 2022 to 5.2% in December 31, 2023, total retail sales of consumer goods increased from -1.8% in December 31, 2022 to 7.4% in December 31, 2023, and urban per capita disposable income increased from 3.9% in December 31, 2022 to 5.1% in December 31, 2023. The table below presents the components of allowances for credit losses for loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables by impairment methodology with the recorded investment as of December 31, 2022 and 2023. December 31, 2023 Allowance for credit losses Allowance for credit losses First lien Second lien Subtotal First lien Second lien Subtotal Total RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB As of January 1 286,300,001 440,755,236 727,055,237 3,836,350 8,411,486 12,247,836 739,303,073 Provision for credit losses (9,998,235 ) 3,075,268 (6,922,967 ) 16,910,650 28,005,798 44,916,448 37,993,481 Charge-offs (51,262 ) (258,155 ) (309,417 ) (20,447,394 ) (25,852,778 ) (46,300,172 ) (46,609,589 ) (Decrease)/Increase in guaranteed recoverable assets (4,076,544 ) (29,829,569 ) (33,906,113 ) 4,240,046 2,358,226 6,598,272 (27,307,841 ) Recoveries - - - 8,560,102 13,891,461 22,451,563 22,451,563 As of December 31 272,173,960 413,742,780 685,916,740 13,099,754 26,814,193 39,913,947 725,830,687 Net loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables 3,156,893,741 5,244,998,702 8,401,892,443 35,041,524 26,760,133 61,801,657 8,463,694,100 Recorded investment 3,429,067,701 5,658,741,482 9,087,809,183 48,141,278 53,574,326 101,715,604 9,189,524,787 December 31, 2022 Allowance for credit losses on loans collectively evaluated Allowance for credit losses on loans individually evaluated First lien Second lien Subtotal First lien Second lien Subtotal Total RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB As of January 1 357,239,453 557,131,501 914,370,954 32,968,721 28,511,176 61,479,897 975,850,851 Provision for credit losses (8,058,972 ) (19,852,708 ) (27,911,680 ) 72,834,526 98,794,363 171,628,889 143,717,209 Charge-offs (1,318,568 ) - (1,318,568 ) (7,843,977 ) (44,833,079 ) (52,677,056 ) (53,995,624 ) Decrease in guaranteed recoverable assets (61,561,912 ) (96,523,557 ) (158,085,469 ) (102,009,203 ) (87,525,498 ) (189,534,701 ) (347,620,170 ) Recoveries - - - 7,886,283 13,464,524 21,350,807 21,350,807 As of December 31 286,300,001 440,755,236 727,055,237 3,836,350 8,411,486 12,247,836 739,303,073 Net loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables 3,036,599,198 5,127,455,016 8,164,054,214 33,358,826 56,831,508 90,190,334 8,254,244,548 Recorded investment 3,322,899,199 5,568,210,252 8,891,109,451 37,195,176 65,242,994 102,438,170 8,993,547,621 The Group charges off loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables if the remaining balance is considered uncollectable. Recovery of loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables previously charged off would be recorded when received. For the description of the Group’s related accounting policies of allowance for credit losses, see Note 2(e) Loans. The following tables present the aging of allowance for credit losses as of December 31, 2023. Total current 1 - 30 days 31 - 90 days 91 - 180 days Total loans RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB First lien 129,317,384 68,099,373 74,757,203 13,099,754 285,273,714 Second lien 216,620,880 93,622,706 103,499,194 26,814,193 440,556,973 Allowance for credit losses 345,938,264 161,722,079 178,256,397 39,913,947 725,830,687 The following tables present the aging of allowance for credit losses as of December 31, 2022. Total current 1 - 30 days 31 - 90 days 91 - 180 days Total loans RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB First lien 116,931,309 82,519,839 86,848,853 3,836,350 290,136,351 Second lien 217,523,905 118,193,115 105,038,216 8,411,486 449,166,722 Allowance for credit losses 334,455,214 200,712,954 191,887,069 12,247,836 739,303,073 (b) Loan delinquency and non-accrual details The following tables provides information on delinquency, which is the primary credit quality indicator for loan principal and financing service fee receivables as of December 31, 2023. Total 1 - 30 days 31 - 90 days 91 - 180 days 181 - 270 days 271 - 360 days 361 days Total Total RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB First lien 2,871,408,359 287,844,375 269,814,967 28,055,593 5,119,297 5,309,947 9,656,441 3,477,208,979 48,141,278 Second lien 4,888,992,128 395,912,366 373,836,988 41,784,891 4,009,534 2,479,591 5,300,310 5,712,315,808 53,574,326 Loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables 7,760,400,487 683,756,741 643,651,955 69,840,484 9,128,831 7,789,538 14,956,751 9,189,524,787 101,715,604 The following tables provides information on delinquency, which is the primary credit quality indicator for loan principal and financing service fee receivables as of December 31, 2022. Total 1 - 30 days 31 - 90 days 91 - 180 days 181 - 269 days 270 - 360 days 361 days Total Total RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB First lien 2,623,540,867 359,502,111 339,856,221 11,173,004 4,686,900 2,446,894 18,888,378 3,360,094,375 37,195,176 Second lien 4,642,390,047 515,066,306 410,753,899 16,756,322 22,661,421 9,951,192 15,874,059 5,633,453,246 65,242,994 Loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables 7,265,930,914 874,568,417 750,610,120 27,929,326 27,348,321 12,398,086 34,762,437 8,993,547,621 102,438,170 Loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables are placed on non-accrual status when payments are 90 days contractually past. Any interest accrued on non-accrual loans is reversed at 90 days and charged against current earnings, and interest is thereafter included in earnings only to the extent actually received in cash. When there is doubt regarding the ultimate collectability of principal, all cash receipts are thereafter applied to reduce the recorded investment in the loan. (c) Non-accrual loans (1) Non-accrual loans summary Recorded investment Unpaid Non-accrual loans Non-accrual loans with related allowance for credit losses Non-accrual loans without related allowance for credit losses Related allowance for credit losses RMB RMB RMB RMB RMB First lien 42,315,372 48,141,278 27,245,188 20,902,542 13,099,754 Second lien 49,134,017 53,574,326 40,927,852 12,640,022 26,814,193 As of December 31, 2023 91,449,389 101,715,604 68,173,040 33,542,564 39,913,947 First lien 32,981,329 37,195,176 8,776,965 28,418,212 3,836,350 Second lien 62,134,501 65,242,994 15,257,298 49,985,695 8,411,486 As of December 31, 2022 95,115,830 102,438,170 24,034,263 78,403,907 12,247,836 Individually evaluated loans are those loans where the Group, based on current information and events, believes it is probable all amounts due according to the contractual terms of the loan will not be collected. All amounts due according to the contractual terms means that both the contractual interest payments and the contractual principal payments of a loan will be collected as scheduled in the loan agreement. Individually evaluated loans without an allowance generally represent loans that the fair value of the underlying collateral meets or exceeds the loan’s amortized cost. (2) Average recorded investment in non-accrual loans Year ended December 31, 2022 Year ended December 31, 2023 Average recorded investment Interest and fees income recognized Average recorded investment Interest and fees income recognized RMB RMB RMB RMB First lien 73,035,747 82,191,331 55,368,819 118,164,396 Second lien 78,248,017 83,791,498 74,194,759 135,686,886 Non-accrual loans 151,283,764 165,982,829 129,563,578 253,851,282 (i) Average recorded investment represents ending balance for the last four quarters and does not include the related allowance for credit losses. (ii) The interest and fees income recognized are those interest and financing service fees recognized related to Individually evaluated loans. All the amounts are recognized on cash basis. No debt restructuring in which contractual terms of loans are modified, has occurred during 2022 and 2023. The Group transferred loans with carrying amounts of RMB2,375,645,263 and RMB3,090,579,581 to unrelated third party investors and recorded the transfers as sales for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2023, respectively. The Group recognized net losses of RMB44,554,948 and RMB17,190,545 from transfers accounted for as sales of loans for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2023, respectively. The Group carries out pre-approval, review and credit approval of loans by professionals for credit risk arising from micro credit business. During the post-transaction monitoring process, the Group conducts a visit of customers regularly after disbursement of loans and conducts on-site inspection when the Group considers it is necessary. The review focuses on the status of the collateral. The Group adopts a loan risk classification approach to manage the loan portfolio risk. Loans are classified as collectively evaluated and individually evaluated based on the different risk characteristics. When one or more events demonstrates there is objective evidence of changes in risk characteristics and causes losses, corresponding loans are considered to be classified as individually evaluated. The individually evaluated component is calculated on an individual basis for the loans whose payments are contractually past due more than 90 days or which do not share similar risk characteristics. The Group applies a series of criteria in determining the classification of loans. The loan classification criteria focus on a number of factors, including (i) the borrower’s ability to repay the loan; (ii) the borrower’s repayment history; (iii) the borrower’s willingness to repay; (iv) the net realizable value of any collateral; and (v) the prospect for the support from any financially responsible guarantor. The Group also takes into account the length of time for which payments of principal and interest on a loan are overdue. (d) Loans held-for-sale Loans held-for-sale are measured at the lower of cost or fair value, with valuation changes recorded in noninterest revenue. The valuation is performed on an individual loan basis. Loans transferred to held-for-sale category were RMB1,844,438,134 and RMB2,471,413,744 as of December 31, 2022 and 2023, respectively. (e) Corporate loans Corporate loans are unsecured loans granted to unrelated entities in order to fulfil their normal operating and capital requirement. Loans principal, interest and financing service fee receivables of corporate loan were RMB463,254,567 and RMB626,229,041 as of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2023 and the Allowance for credit losses assessed on a collective basis were RMB24,693,114 as of December 31, 2022 and RMB55,964,409 as of December 31, 2023, respectively. |