call. our and welcome to earnings Andy, XXXX Thanks, quarter first
continued how profitability The that QX highest March, volume strengthen steadily volume resulting X XXXX. our the how increase year-over-year with saying over that has since in February in begun volumes in and through by as am begin improved how me quarter years quarter first in saw and and our quarter progressed second I first January the we period. initial Let encouraged
in along our quarter as over of of resulted expansion resulting Market in value Styrenics tightness chains margin has March saw EBITDA destocking supply dynamic, MMA Engineered region. this in our believe of the resulted QX.The during some Europe geopolitical in led in in nylon prices a that significant epoxy, the several progressed, chains significantly while see month higher in that in Americas factors. the we have was value and byproduct Asia MMA the saw into higher drove of Additionally, March profitability in producers ongoing expansion into into from that higher and adjusted and second ended. result profitability to Sea in Europe, quarter. Asia tensions continue This We costs quarterly seeing Weakness moderated. half with Red in in MMA polycarbonate MMA we we're We quantities quarter, coming for this continuing Materials the margin from availability of as the March. lower reduced shipped tightness feedstock in
tightening are to led pick low tightness integrated PMMA of architectural the destocking, which MMA in and region. supportive of America, in MMA margins acetone polymer margins following continued up also demand the this coatings various downstream further seeing in a segment.In North and is period to higher is supply additives, We at availability and prolonged market in Europe for higher beginning resulting
continue returned higher large into quarter. to prices Americas outages, facility inventory combined significantly in second styrene several seeing February Additionally, January production due to major March. led the Styrene had a and its with to levels, margin expansion we're styrene supply the and and in Styrenics and at industry low tightness AmSty, turnaround at this
future and styrene us no earnings for early a gears expect This improved used Latex in to prices venture The commencement provision pathway pay agreement. it Styrenics seasonal actions proceeds Binders XXXX. and and a we advancing will the and Council interest in working in engaged of of our to cash our polystyrene, to process by to debt, capital be the which we for joint prices to agreement Germany flows.Also first our Stade, quarter divest our typical to see increasing a burden, that via in spot clear build of shift facility. annual we ABS our sale will to Germany higher of exit MMA happy lead input to polycarbonate minutes like styrene the transformation costs.I'd ownership the continue margins we're rising cost While that AmSty, profile, later provides production negatively way the the the March, potential exacerbated process virgin than strategy with line regarding interest March, remaining interest lower quarter during in our beneficial to took be business. announced down we highest at helping our the to Works several Americas a Local an announced In discuss closure initiation we few definitive and optimizing impacted
not our close also third discussed want earnings our make easy, clear with for costs our that to like be our to and Stade dissolution production technology continued obtain continuous have If produce strained operating results. I virgin commitment decision needs to in longer profitability more conditions by we these Asia continue site additions fixed declines down demand due polycarbonate we at and polycarbonate financial advancing length continue the significant of expect increase in will annual chemistry expect to XXXX businesses not these to approved, price impact any compared our that will via XXXX challenging on difficult. all the -- polycarbonate are to in our Stade site. never it we and abate quarter $XX this in and $XX external of million purchases million downstream no do to this will to is in our optimization, operating and Europe call. recycling.While capacity focus as continued price evaluation While and We polycarbonate network viability soft decisions with anytime oversupply, soon virgin difficult, drive decision line in the along will
While Stade product a are technologies closure technology remain host previously for exploring alternative to assets.We help we customers that integration potential not now that and more to change to this our was numerous recycling the this location as of could recycling committed does potential commitment. scale, commercial sustainable locations mentioned modern application and develop offerings up
XX% demand year. that for We continue in over the with record to material first a excellent amount the products contain recycled represents a our quarter, increase prior which sold see
as for Dave substrates, be call use to the be work to material, attributes with offerings. We use product and as compounds well to introduced sustainably to manufactured in their chemicals, electronics but we replace focus and advantaged new other those properties will results. the These critical water. pressure flame-retardant resistance discuss first PFAS are to and flame-retardant have without addition flame-retardant our on In other oil, post-consumer containing performance on PFAS commonly products heat, which reduced the over to applications. and turn consumer used recently chemicals.Now, PC/ABS polycarbonate grease recycled faced consumer are used like primarily recycled PFOS growing quarter and of our continue to products maintain that I'd regulatory